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Tuesday, June 22, 2010


How do you differentiate a fake and a true friendship. Honestly, I really value friendship. Someone who still likes you despites your weaknesses. Friends who are sincere and true. But, how exactly would you know if a person is fake or if a person is true to you?

I did a research online and I came to see this and totally agree it and I would like to share it around. I hope to let my friends aware about a true and fake friends

The Differences in Fake Friends Versus Real Friends

Fake: Asks for favors often, but never offers to do favors for you. In fact, they may refuse or feel burdened if they do anything for you
Real: Will offer to help before you even ask and if you do ask, they help out, willingly and without resentment

Fake: Talks about you behind your back
Real: If they have a problem with you, they discuss it, face to face, and in a respectful and mature manner.

Fake: One-dimensional. They see only their needs and is oblivious to needs of others. They often use you as a sounding board and you rarely get a word in.
Real: They are in-tune enough to sense your pain, your needs and are supportive. They are the type who listens attentively and with concern and interest. Each of you will have your time to vent and be heard. It won't be one-sided as it is with a fake friend.

Fake: Full of excuses for why they have no time for you - often only coming around when they want something and that something isn't YOU
Real: Wants to make time for you because they genuinely enjoy being with you and "choose" to nurture the friendship

Fake: Their actions don't back up their words. Promises are often broken and you can't trust much of what they say or do. You never really get to know who they are because they wear a mask of deception.
Real: Their actions are proportionate to their words, instilling trust and dependability. They are the first person you think of where trust is concerned. You know them in depth because they have opened up in a way that allows you to know and trust them.

Fake: Makes fun of your imperfections, passing their words off as a joke
Real: Overlooks your imperfections and if you choose to improve yourself, they are encouraging and supportive. They may even join in.

Fake: Will try to lead you down a destructive path
Real: Will encourage you to go down a constructive path. They will be by your side as you do.

Fake: Will drain your energy dry, often causing you stress in their presence.
Real: Will enhance your energy and make you feel more alive.

Fake: Asks to borrow money often and never pays you back
Real: Only asks to borrow money if it's a true need and always pays back in a prompt manner. Willing to lend you money, if need be

Fake: Cuts you down quite frequently. You begin to wonder if they are jealous or very insecure.
Real: Builds you up and acknowledges your accomplishments, no matter how small. They are happy about good things happening to you as if they were happening to them. They aren't jealous, but encouraging.

Fake: You feel like running from
Real: You feel like running to

Nurture your "true" friendships. As a rose withers and dies, without being tended to, so does a friendship.

"Friendship makes prosperity more brilliant, and lightens adversity by dividing and sharing it."
-- Cicero (44 B.C.)

"A friend is a person with whom I may be sincere."
-- Ralph Waldo Emerson

4:08 PM

Friday, December 26, 2008

Websites below is a start up online shopping you might want to take a look :)


Anyway, Christmas just over and soon it will be New Year. Thinking of my new year resolution.

I hope to be able to find a better company who would compensate fairly. I can't believe that I'm being so underpaid and I'm still staying in the Co for so long. I guess I should have make my move soon.

Can you believe that:
1) I don't have 13 months and only discretionary bonus which I never get before.
2) I only have 14 days of leave, there is no such things as marriage leave and during my probation period, I can't take MC. I was forced to take my year end leave if I'm sick and I'm suppose to pay for my own medication during the probation period.
3) I have to pay for employer and employee CPF for the commission I earned
4) During bad economy, initially they plan to cut 10% of my salary and gave 2 days unpaid leave. However, when the letter is out, its just pure pay cut.

there is no motivation to stay at all, I guess I manage to stay so long its because I don't really like to go for interview. As I ever experience a bad interviewer and I was so insulted, so intimidated and they are just too mean. I can't believe that some indonesian that works in a private bank can be such a mean and proud person. Of coz not all like that, but I want to emphasize 2 person, a MAN and a WOMEN who interviewed me in a private bank 2 years ago was a real "JERK". I can't believe that they did that to me. I hope I can be stronger and manage to learn a lesson from that. Anyway, THANKS for the experience.. Now I know how BAD a proud interviewer can be... "so sick!!!"

11:10 PM

Monday, October 20, 2008

Daddy & Mommy

Dearest Koko

My Dearest Family

Thank you Daddy and Mommy for everything...
I miss you...

Most Memorable and Happiest Moment of my Life...

11:31 PM

Sunday, October 12, 2008

7:58 PM

7:43 PM

7:22 PM

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Morning Make up

Daddy and Mommy

Kor kor


Jie Mei

Veil on

Lao gong



Family Photos

1:39 AM

Sunday, October 05, 2008

I'm Still waiting for more photos to come

Thanks Lao Phuo for this Lovely Pic

Watching F1

Honey Moon Venetian Macao

Lamp Post in venetian

9:17 PM

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Recently I've been facing some premarital blues.... Too bad my parents and my dear kor kor not here to support or help me.. Sobz...

List to do:
3) Need to confirm all key personel and need to get their tel no
5) To find a date to put on the Bed with decor
6) Decor home with stickers
7) kor kor coming SG 13 then go Indo 14
8) All coming SG 19th Sep.
9) Thinking should I take leave from monday 22nd onwards
10)Need to fax amara the confirmation tables
11)Need to call all of my friends to confirm attendance
12)Arrange the seating for my colleagues
13)Check with make up artist, Photographer, Videographer
14)Wine to order if needed coz Amara won't have any stock if need additional
15)song to burn into cd and make sure it is in mp3 formet or audio CD
17)Photos - Finishing
18)Collect photo 12th sep

Work List:
1) Colleagues Hand over assignments
2) Next week and the week after to do minutes for meeting
3) Make sure some interviewed arrangements done properly
4) need to get name, cold call and map and filed it
5) follow up on candidates with their CV
6) GM from Australia in Town - audit

So stressed ar!!!! HELP Please!!!!!!!!!!

11:53 PM


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A unique ordinary gal


MY Friendster



Chang Wei

Xin Yi











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因為我太傻Because I Am Stupid_賽倫之歌Fans Talk推薦 - Kim Hyun Joong


To be happy with my JOB
To go for holidays overseas again ;)
To own a digital camera
to get PR
